Mission Statement And Ministry Departments
Mission Statement
The primary mission of Elim Assembly of God Church is to practice and propagate the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (Mark 16:15), through the wonder working power of the Holy Spirit (2 Timothy 3:14-17), to bring all people everywhere to the saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

INCLUSIVE WORSHIPING ASSEMBLIES: We establish and maintain a friendly multicultural Christian fellowships where we worship the Lord in spirit and in truth. Every member is an important integral part of the family.
PASTORAL CARE: To offer holistic ministry to the needs of the congregation—–including spiritual, material, emotional, intellectual, physical and social needs. Proverbs 3:27 guides us — “Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to act” — alongside Matthew 25:40— “in as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these brethren, ye have done it unto me.”

SPIRITUAL FORMATION: We nurture new Christians to be Christ-centered, Holy Spirit-filled disciples. Those that hunger for God, experience the presence of God, and stand in awe of His holiness as God changes them into the conformity with Christ Jesus.
CHRISTIAN EDUCATION: We provide systematic, balanced, and sound teachings without diluting the Word of God (2 Corinthians 2:17) to build up doctrinally sound and mature saints in God’s Kingdom.
TRAINING: We equip all members to become responsible leaders or ministers for ministry.
We mobilize material and educational resources toward the promotion of the Church’s National & International Missionary mandate.
Our mission is in line with the four-fold mission of The Assemblies of God.
Ministry Departments
1. Prayer
- The Prayer Tower at ELIM AG Prayer Centre comprises of dedicated prayer warriors who intercede for the nations across the world, our country, the states, our brethren, the government, and the fulfillment of the Great Commission. It is our privilege and duty to pray for anyone who is in any kind of need. Contact us to let us know how we may pray for you.
- Daily Prayer Warriors’ group

2. Christian Education
- Sunday School
Bible-based weekly lessons for children of various age groups—from kindergarten to Std 10.
- Weekly Bible Studies
- Library: Christian Theological books in Kannada, Tamil, Malayalam, and English. These are available to members of our Church.
3. Women’s Ministry
- Women’s Fellowship
4. Youth Ministry
- Bible Studies for Youth
- Youth Alive meetings: Our Youth are encouraged to bring out their God-given talents in these Youth Alive meetings.
5. Social Work
- The Lillian Fund- Yearly Financial aid for marriage expenses of a poor girl child (daughter of a Missionary or for a child of God in need)
- Financial support for medical expenses of the needy.
- Supply of food packets during flood time in Kerala.
- Minimal support for educational expenses and supply of stationary items across 10 states in India and internationally. We put our faith into action and are ready for every good deed for the advancement of the Kingdom of God. Our Church being a mission-oriented Church, we support outreach ministries across the Country and internationally through prayers and educational aid.
- Relief work to help the poor during pandemics such as Covid-19.
6. Transportation
- Transportation
Pick up & drop facility for those who do not have mode of transportation of their own. The Church provides a pickup & drop facility for the members of the Church & new believers.